05/23/13Come on in - the shopping is fine!









Fishy Finds Mercantile, LLC... What's New!

We have received a large amount of great new inventory to our store, from antique furnishings to Native American decorative items! Just click on the arrow in the category you would like to browse through. If you don't see something on our list, please call and ask. Our inventory is so large that we are unable to include everything here.


Collectibles: Figurines, dolls, top name collectibles.
Cultural: Native American, Mexican, African, South American, etc...
Fashion: Vintage clothing, hats, jewelry, scarves, purses, shoes.
Furniture: Cabinets, tables, pianos, chairs, dressers, etc...
Glassware: Waterford, steins, dishware, & more.
Paper/Ephemera: Postcards, photographs, books, magazines, sheet music, etc...
Art Works: Paintings, drawings, wall hangings.
Toys & Games: Vintage mechanical toys, wooden horses, dolls, bears, etc...
Everything Else: Vintage clocks & radios, tools, kitchen items, vinyl records, etc...

If you have any questions or would like to speak with us about a particular item please please phone us at:

phone: (805) 526-4970

cell: (310) 775-5776

 Or, alternatively, go to out Contact page and email us! Thanks!



This site was last updated 05/23/13

Copyright 2013 Fishy Finds Mercantile, LLC. All rights reserved.

Photos Copyright 2013 Cynthia A. Nunn. All rights reserved.

Site created by Cynthia A. Nunn